Uterine Prolapse Report
Most part of these hilly district are isolated and with the limited economic potential. There is a transportation facilities only in the headquarters and in major market areas. The economic growth of the mid-western region is not satisfactory, primarily due to the internal conflict, political instability, absence of the stable government, inefectcive policies and weak implementation of the programs; most of the population is under the absolute poverty level. Difficult land topography and poor economic condition compelled the women to work hard and resume to work in the pregnancy period and soon after the delivery. These districts are lagged behind in different indicators of public health. However RH indicators have lagged behind other markers of public health. The maternal mortality ratio, at 281 per 100,000 live births, is still very high. This problem is more common in Dailkeh, Surkhet, Phythan and Banke district. This condition results when a woman’s uterus (womb) sags or slips out of its normal position in the pelvis, further down into, or even out of the vagina. This condition, most commonly caused by pregnancy, labour, and childbirth.It is exacerbated by economic and social circumstances that force women in rural parts of Nepal to resume heavy workloads soon after delivery, without rest or pelvic floor exercises. Among these affected women, 30% are suffering from severe third degree UP and urgently require surgery. Most major RH ailments in Nepal are common and cause much unnecessary suffering. There are many areas where RH and other public health services have not reached the population, and people have never seen a doctor. In the rural communities of these districts, reproductive and maternal health care is non-existent. Moreover, sexual and gender based violence (SGBV) is prevalent in these communities.
The completion of the uterine prolapsed project under Regional health directorate Surkhet was the result of earnest effort of Sushma Koirala Memorial Trust, Nepalgunj,a social organization dedicated for the social services in the community. This project was conducted in Dailekh, Surkhet, Pyuthan and Banke district from March 20 2010 to June with financial aid from Mid Western Health Directorate, under Government of Nepal. Almost 1155 patients were examined among which 506 patients needed surgical correction out of which 360 patients got the service.
We are very proud to say that the project was highly succeeded in its objective