Sushma Koirala Memorial Trust (SKMT) was established in 1993 as a charitable service oriented social organization, which focuses on providing help to the downtrodden, oppressed, destitute and underprivileged people of Nepal so that they can help themselves to face their economic and social hardships. The Trust is named for the Late Mrs. Sushma Koirala whose strong determination to reform contemporary Nepalese society was a guiding light for her daughter Sujata.
Late Mrs. Koirala's strong interest in eliminating the social and economic problems of the poor and underprivileged through community development, education and public awareness activities laid a solid foundation on which the social service commitment of the Trust was built.
Ms. Sujata Koirala, the founder/president of the Trust and only daughter of the Late Mrs. Sushma Koirala witnessed this service commitment and was determined to continue her mother's work and as a consequence founded SKMT.