Project Name: Environment and Sanitation Project
Project Location: Madhuban & Loukahi VDC, Sunsari, Nepal
Funded by: Ministry of Environment Science and Technology Nepal
Project Period: 6 months (2007 AD)
· The main objectives of the project are to provide toilet facility to the 100 families of targeted VDCs.
· Reduce the incidence of water borne and other infectious disease resulting from open air defecation and unsanitary practices of the community people.
· To provide knowledge about the harmful effect on human health from the improper disposal of human excreta and other waste products.
· Maintain cleanliness in and around the aforesaid VDCs.
Achievements: Construction of 25 Toilets in targeted VDC
The trust is also aware of the degrading environment situation of Nepal. About 46.13% house hold with access to toilet facilities. SKMT has promoted several environment sanitation activities such as building public toilets in low costs; health centers in the slum and city areas to aware the people about the degrading environment.