Project Name: Small Town Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project
Project Location: Five VDC of Kailali District , Far Western Region of Nepal
Funded by: Ministry of Physical Planning Nepal and Asian Development Bank
Project Period: 5 years (2001-2006 AD)
· To improve water Supply and Sanitation facilities in the surrounding localities.
· To provide health and hygiene education at the community level.
· To support community participation in the development of water supply and sanitation facilities.
· To promote community based water quality monitoring system.
Achievements: 145 household of slum community of project area are benefited by safe and clean drinking water after construction of tube well (2) and overhead tank (1) and pipes line of drinking water in each household. And about 3000 household of five targeted VDC have benefited by various awareness program of health and sanitation, waste management and hygiene.