Project Name: Community Development for rural Women Project
Project Location: Mahendranagar, Prakashpur, Madhuban, Lauki and Basantapur
Funded by: Arbeiterwohlfahrt (AWO), Germany
Project Period: 8years (1998-2006 AD)
· To help raise the living standard of women and their families at the grassroots level.
· To facilities them to organize themselves into groups to develop their own participatory organization for their economic empowerment.
· To promote micro – credit activities for saving and lending practices.
· To encourage them develop leadership quality.
· Sushma Koirala Memorial Trust was the only co-partner of AWO in Nepal and Nepal was the only country in South Asia, beside India , where AWO was having its activities.
· 1500 Targeted marginalized families from 5 VDC from Sunsari District have been benefited from this project.
· 5 cooperatives and 274 women groups have been formed for the purpose of learning, capital formation, building democratic structures and leadership growth.
· 274 women groups have group saving of Nrs 15, 93,004 per year.
· Over 70 % members have their health insurance as well.