Keeping the view of providing a safe and clean drinking water to the people of Tathali, Bhaktapur, Sushma Koirala Memorial Trust (SKMT) in financial support of Latter-Day Saint Charities (LDSC) proposed to carry out a water supply project so that they will get access to safe drinking water. This project covers ward no 4, 5, 6, and 7 among the 9 wards of the village. Water from 4 local resources, i.e.The Bagdwar Source, The Thulokhola Source, The Dhungedhara Source and The Paiyunbot Source are collected and is reserved at the 40 cum reservoir.
Several Survey necessary for to carry out the project in a distinct way.
The study of design and estimation of the project to be fulfilled and the demand of the growing population as well as to meet the necessity of the present population.
Several meeting with Consumers in the Project area and their formation of Local Consumers Committee.
Local Consumers Bank account opened at Nepal Bank Limited at Bhaktapur.
A general agreement was signed between the Consumer’s Committee and the Contractor to smooth the progress of proposed work.
Signed a Contract Agreement with Latter Day Saint Charities.
Account opening of Sushma Koirala Memorial Trust as per the contract agreement with Latter-Day Saint Charities in Standard Chartered Bank Limited at Lazimpat.
Ceremony of Foundation lying of stone by the President of Trust to mark the opening of the project.
Purchase of necessary pipes fittings and valves for the initial work.
The formation of Consumer's committee for the mobilization of proposed work
All the intakes were built as per the design and the size of the intake. Firstly the Thulokhola intake (Collection chamber) is built under the direct inspection of Overseer from SKMT and the chief of Tathali Consumer’s Committee with the continuous support of the local people. The layout of pipeline construction cannot be implemented because of rainy season and the crop season.
The collection chambers at the water resources constructed are namely: