Another important project of SKMT is Heifer International that is funded by HEIFER INTERNATIONAL NEPAL. The first phase of the project is the training part which is completed, the second phase of the project that was supposed to conduct in two VDC of Sunsari districts could not be held on time because of the flood. So the project is shifted to other VDC of the same district. Women are made the direct project participants. The project focuses on the following:
To uplift the economic status of the targeted groups utilizing local resources and animal rearing.
To support 100 original families with 100 lactating buffalos.
Additional 100 families will be supported by passing on the gifts.
Training such as Cornerstones, Self Help Group (SHG) Management, Animal Management, Gender and Justice, Kitchen Gardening etc.
At the end of the project almost 200 families (households) will be benefited.
The Trust will further expand such projects into other districts in future developing the socio economic profile of each household family in the project area.
Its main aim is to bring Social transformation through community participation.