Sushma Koirala Memorial Trust (SKMT) was established in 1993 as a charitable service oriented social organization, which focuses on providing help to those in need so that they can help themselves to face their economic and social hardships and become independant.
The SKM Hospital project
It is assumed that 55% of the Nepalese population does not have access to basic health care and there are –apart from SKM hospital – only a few other facilities for plastic and reconstructive surgery for the whole Nepalese population.
Uterine Prolapse Project
Most part of these hilly district are isolated and with the limited economic potential. There is a transportation facilities only in the headquarters and in major market areas. The economic growth of the mid-western region is not
Operation Camps Since 2006 to 2010
Sushma Koirala Memorial Hospital for Plastic and Reconstructive Surger Operation Camps Since 2006 to 2010
Sushma Koirala Memorial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Service.
Funded by Interplast, Germany, Sushma Koirala Memorial Hospital for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery was established in 1997at Sankhu, Kathmandu on nearly 120,000 sq.ft of land.